The benefits of smile makeovers in Glasgow on you and your life

We all want to try and look our best whenever we possibly can, as we want others that we meet in our daily lives to respond in positive ways to our presence. The first thing most other people will look at and take note of when meeting us is our face. For this reason, we all want to have the ability to portray ourselves in a glowing manner with the use of a radiant smile.


In recent years, more and more people have become aware of the need to have the best smile they possibly can, as it is important in our working and social lives. More people than ever before are seeking to improve their smiles through the use of cosmetic treatments that are now becoming readily available in the dental market across the UK.

We, at Smile Dental Care Glasgow, can offer our patients treatments that are targeted at improving the way their smiles appear, and these procedures have been brought together to form our smile makeovers in Glasgow. You may decide that you only require one of the treatment options available, they have been brought together under one banner to provide a range of cosmetic choices.

Looking for the perfect smile

You may just be looking to have perfectly white teeth for a special occasion, such as a wedding, or that very important business meeting. For this we believe that our tooth whitening solutions can create the image you are looking to obtain.

For those who have small gaps between their teeth that they wish to hide away from the sight of others, we can recommend porcelain veneers that simply fit over the teeth and are bonded securely into place. These veneers are also a favourite solution for those wishing to disguise chipped or cracked teeth.

While the previous solution may offer a quick and simple treatment path, we are aware that there are cases that may need time to gain the full results our patients are searching for. For those who are living with misaligned or crooked teeth, we offer a range of discreet orthodontic treatments aimed at adults.

Whatever your needs we are sure we can help and will always aim to give our patients the perfect smile makeovers in Glasgow.

Beaming with confidence and positivity

We all want to have that smile to tell people that we are a confident and positive person, as we all have a desire to attract others to us. The way we smile at people tells them so much about who we are as people and can affect different aspects of our lives, such as the ability to form relationships that lead to us gaining friends and partners, and the way we portray ourselves in a job interview. The smile is truly underrated as a social tool that we should all feel able to use with confidence.

Get your perfect smile starting today

Smile makeovers in Glasgow are far more than a simple image tool. Yes, they may be used to make you look your best, but they can also help to give you that boost of confidence you may need to move your life forward.

To find out more please contact our dental practice.

Understanding the role of Invisalign in Glasgow

It is a well-known fact that there are a large number of adults living with misaligned teeth in the UK, when there is absolutely no need for them to do so. We need to recognise that having misaligned or crooked teeth in adults has become one of the largest areas of concern for dentists in recent years, as having crooked teeth can lead to the heightened risk of other oral health issues that may require invasive dental treatment.


Once we understand the risks that are associated with misaligned teeth, we can start to realise that it is possible to change this situation with the use of realignment treatment. This can then lead to people enjoying a higher standard of oral health as they begin to be able to maintain a superior level of oral hygiene that comes with properly aligned teeth.

By offering Invisalign in Glasgow we can offer our patients a modern treatment solution that can be tailored to meet their individual needs.

A modern treatment for a modern era

Bringing Invisalign to Glasgow allows us to bring a treatment for aligning the teeth to the area that is both state of the art and highly effective, meaning our patients can benefit from receiving a treatment they can truly believe in, just like we do.

Developed in the 1990s and created from two layers of hard-wearing, durable clear plastic, this is realignment treatment technology at its very best. We are confident that any patient who undergoes this treatment will feel the benefits by the end of their treatment period.

Because these aligners are clear in nature they can be seen as a completely discreet form of treatment, as they cannot be observed by the eyes of others around the wearer. Meaning no one will know you are receiving tooth alignment treatment unless you choose to inform them of the fact, this is another way of putting patients in control of their treatment.

One last thing, these aligners are removable. If the wearer should feel any pain or discomfort at any point during treatment, they can simply take their aligner out of the mouth for a short period of time and put it back in place once they feel comfortable to do so.

Be prepared to receive your treatment

Before a patient begins any tooth alignment treatment it is very important that they prepare themselves properly by ensuring that they are in the habit of practising a high standard of regular oral hygiene routine. This can be achieved via brushing and flossing, twice daily as recommended by most dentists.

We will make all patients receiving treatment aware of the heightened risk of gum disease, plaque build-up, and tooth decay while receiving tooth alignment treatment. For this reason, we will stress the importance of maintaining their standards of dental hygiene, hopefully, this will become a good habit that patients will continue with after their alignment treatment has concluded.

You can make that change

Those who are living with misaligned teeth need to understand there is no need to, you can make the change and gain the benefits that come with perfectly aligned teeth. Call our dental practice to find out more details about Invisalign in Glasgow, a tooth alignment treatment for the twenty-first century.

The practice offers high-quality care and service within a calm and empathetic environment. We aim to offer you the best service and treatment possible.

Smile makeovers in Glasgow for a smile you can be proud of

There are many factors that may affect the way you feel about your smile. If your teeth are discoloured, misaligned, overcrowded, cracked or have gaps in between them, then come speak to our dentist today. Here, at Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we want to give you a smile that you can feel confident about.


Book an appointment to visit us in person to discuss smile makeovers in Glasgow with one of our friendly and experienced dentists today. Firstly, we will put you through a thorough examination to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and that there are no underlying dental issues that may affect your treatment plan. If you do have some underlying problems with your teeth, then we will need to address them before your makeover so that you get the most out of the treatment.

Once our dentist is happy with the condition of your oral health, you will undergo a three-dimensional scan and x-rays. The results of the scans will be uploaded to software that can use your dentition to create a treatment plan that addresses and corrects any issues with your teeth. The software will also show you an accurate visual representation of how your smile will look following successful smile makeovers in Glasgow.

Teeth straightening

Smile makeovers in Glasgow involve a number of different and individually chosen procedures that will help create a beautiful smile for you. You may need to undergo orthodontic treatment to help correct the positioning of your teeth. Although this may be a lengthy part of the procedure, it will help produce fantastic results and can be carried out using traditional metal braces. If you are reluctant to wear metal braces, we can offer you some discrete methods of straightening your teeth, such as invisible braces, which work in a similar way to traditional metal braces but are significantly less visible in the mouth. You may also like to consider the use of clear aligners, like Invisalign, as another alternative to metal braces. This will help create an aligned and symmetrical smile for you and also help improve your oral health at the same time.

Teeth whitening

Once your teeth are properly aligned, you may want to consider teeth whitening procedures to help further enhance your smile. There are different types of whitening procedures available, and a suitable procedure for you will depend on the severity of staining and whether you prefer to whiten your teeth in your own time or require instant whitening at the clinic. At Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we use Zoom whitening at the surgery and, if you request, we can prescribe Enlighten as a home treatment kit.

There are many other features that we can include as part of your treatment plan, taking into account your requirements and what results you are hoping for. So, speak to our friendly and experienced dental team today to take the first step in creating a stunning smile that you can show off proudly to the world.

Invisalign in Glasgow for an aligned smile

A beautiful smile is a priority for most people, but we all have certain issues that affect the way we feel about our teeth. The last two decades have seen a significant increase in the demand for cosmetic dentistry and, thanks to advances in dental technology, addressing the aesthetic appearance of your teeth has become easy, convenient and accessible for all. Cosmetic dentistry allows you to address the appearance of your teeth discreetly and much more quickly than ever before, but this does depend on the extent of treatment necessary to straighten your teeth.

If you are looking for a convenient but subtle solution to correcting the misalignment of your teeth, then speak with us at Smile Dental Care Glasgow and find out about the different treatment options that may be available for you.

You must have good oral health to be eligible for cosmetic dentistry. We will conduct a full examination to make sure that your teeth are clean and your gums are strong and healthy. Through this, we can ensure that the treatment will not be detrimental in any way but rather improve the appearance of your teeth and promote better oral health at the same time.

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

At Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we are proud to present Invisalign.

Invisalign in Glasgow is a highly popular method of correcting the misalignment of teeth mainly due to the convenience and subtlety of the treatment. As the name suggests, it is almost invisible and an excellent alternative to fixed metal dental braces.

Previously, the visibility of conventional braces was responsible for the reluctance amongst adults to undergo orthodontic treatment to address the aesthetics of their teeth. However now, thanks to Invisalign in Glasgow, you no longer have to worry about what others may think or how your mouth will look whilst undergoing treatment.

Invisalign in Glasgow uses clear plastic aligners that can be individually tailored to your teeth, using three-dimensional scans of your mouth rather than impressions of your teeth. The scanning process is highly accurate, meaning that the aligners can be worn comfortably, as they will fit over the teeth well. They can be removed and put back in your mouth when necessary, so they do not affect any aspect of your lifestyle, such as your eating habits. They are also very easy to clean, which adds to the convenience. All they require is brushing with an ordinary toothbrush and a rinse in warm water and then they can be put back in your mouth.

The process involves working your way through a series of aligners, each of which you must wear for approximately 22 hours a day for two weeks at a time; you have to continue this until you reach the desired results. During the treatment, you will need to visit our dentist to ensure that it is coming along successfully and that there are no other issues with your teeth. Speak to us at Smile Dental Care Glasgow to find out more about Invisalign and let us help you achieve a beautiful smile that you can be proud about.

What are smile makeovers?

Full smile makeovers Glasgow are becoming ever more common nowadays. They allow you to rapidly change your look starting with your teeth out. It is surprising how much our mouths affect the overall appearance of our face shape. They are often the first thing noticed when meeting a new person and as any person wearing lipstick can tell you how their mouth can become stared at through the entire length of a conversation, their appearance can make a big difference.


Smile makeovers Glasgow involve using a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments; which ones get used and to what degree depends on your eventual goals and your starting state. So smile makeovers Glasgow can be very accessible and made to meet anybody’s financial means.

When looking at your dental makeover options, you should find a clinic which is well equipped and a team who is well versed in the widest range of cosmetic options. This starts with a conversation, where you get to tell the dentist all about what your aesthetic goals are and they can implement a treatment regime to bring them to fruition, and preferably, one that offers a financing package that allows you to spread the cost of treatment over many months.

What treatments are part of a dental makeover?

If your teeth are healthy and in good condition, dental makeovers only contain cosmetic procedures. You could involve orthodontics, like an aligner or the use of a brace to straighten up the most visually obvious teeth. Then, after some waiting and treatments either using abrasion and polishing techniques or bleaching techniques can be used to achieve the end result you wish to have. If your teeth are healthy, this would probably involve white fillings or maybe even replacing older amalgam fillings with new white fillings. On the other end of the scale, it could consist of little more than a scale and polish!

What makes a dental makeover different to a normal dental check up is the use of lots of different treatments in combination towards a single aesthetic goal.

Either way, you should always ask for a portfolio of work from our professional team; we are always happy to show off our competency. Remember, you will be leading us in what you wish to achieve, and if we seem to be focusing too much on an area that you aren’t happy with, just tell us.

Shopping around

There’s no harm in shopping around and unlike a quick trip to the opticians, this process can take quite a while. For instance teeth realignment can range between 6 to 12-months! So it’s important to make sure you have a practitioner that you enjoy being with and that you will be able to get along with. Our team will always aim to have a happy and welcoming demeanour, while also offering you any advice you require or answering queries. Should you wish to go elsewhere, that is fine but our team is trained and qualified to handle all manner of cosmetic dental care and can provide you with a finished smile that you will be proud of.

Invisalign vs braces; which is better for you?

When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, you will probably want a brace or aligner that is discrete, painless and offers accelerated results. But is such a brace or aligner the most suitable tool for you?


At Smile Dental Care, we know a great deal about braces and aligners, and can even offer our suitable patients Invisalign in Glasgow. After an assessment, we will choose the brace or aligner that is the most likely to be successful to straighten your teeth, helping you get the smile you deserve.

Here, our team compares 5 key areas of orthodontics concerning standard braces and Invisalign in Glasgow to help you get a better idea of what each orthodontic tool involves. Enjoy!


OK, while our team at Smile Dental Care can agree that orthodontic treatments have become more comfortable over the last few years, there is still no such thing as completely comfortable braces or aligners. And when you wear Invisalign in Glasgow, when you change between the aligners, there is likely to be some discomfort for the first few days at least. However, if you need to wear a metal brace, you are more likely to experience a feeling of pressure after the brace has been tightened or altered.

Treatment time

It can be hard to estimate how long orthodontic treatment will take without consulting with our team. However, when you are given an invisible aligner to straighten your teeth, it takes on average between 3-6 months to work. With a standard brace, however, you may need to wear them for as long as 36 months as an adult. But with a fitted brace, our team will be better equipped to offer you a more accurate time frame as they cannot be removed and the treatment does not rely on you wearing them for 22 hours a day.


Of the 2 options, an invisible aligner is, well, not invisible but certainly less noticeable!

It is made from clear plastic and is designed to slot over your teeth like a standard sports guard, allowing you to go about your day without even your colleagues noticing it unless you point it out to them. To keep your aligners clear, simply rinse them under a cold tap and brush away any debris with a toothbrush. Simple!


While they are great for correcting misalignments with the front teeth and helping with teeth that are spaced or crowded, invisible aligners can be somewhat restrictive. And so, if our team decides that you need an orthodontic treatment that can handle more complex cases, we will offer you a fitted brace. This allows us to offer a more personalised treatment, which can rotate teeth and even straighten molars.


Many patients are surprised to learn that when they undertake treatment with invisible aligners, that it may not be more expensive than regular braces. This is because the cost of orthodontics revolves around the fitting, adjustments, dental visits and how long the treatment is required. And as invisible aligners do not need fitting, adjusting, require minimal trips to our dentist and can be significantly quicker than regular braces, the costs can be much lower.

For more information on how much an invisible aligner may cost you, contact our team at Smile Dental Care.

Keep yourself smiling through the help of a dentist in Glasgow like no other

Making sure you get the help you need


Here at Smile Dental Care, we believe that it is our duty as a reputable dentist in Glasgow to do all that is within our power to make sure our patients are as happy and healthy dentally as they can be. Rather than just offering the easiest or most convenient treatment to our patients as some practices frequently do, at Smile Dental Care it is our ethos that a good dentist should stand by their patients and be with them throughout every stage of their treatment journey, whatever that may be. Whether you require the most extensive or complicated of dental procedures or merely a routine checkup or professional clean, you can rest assured that at Smile Dental Care you will get the undivided attention and care from a dentist who is truly on your side. As we prepare to reopen, we have taken it upon ourselves to create an entire extra surgery space for patients who need it in order to ensure the safety and comfort of our practitioners and patients.

Keeping you on track

Any of our existing patients here at Smile Dental Care, or any prospective patients who are interested in realigning crooked or misshapen teeth through a cosmetic treatment which won’t impact on the way they look, can still receive Invisalign treatment from our dentist in Glasgow here at Smile Care Dental. For those who are unaware of what Invisalign is, it is a removable dental appliance which is created from a mould of each patient’s teeth. This mould is used to create a retainer which is wafer thin and made using specialised transparent dental plastic. Within each uniquely made Invisalign retainer are carefully placed pressure points which apply force to the specific teeth which are required to be shifted into place.

Why seek out Invisalign?

For many of us, having teeth which are misaligned is just another aspect of our lives. However, if our teeth are severely disjointed or crooked then it may lead to a number of long-term oral health concerns, such as difficulty and discomfort when eating. Also there can be a number of social implications that visibly crooked teeth can have on patients. By opting for Invisalign however, it is now possible to amend crooked and poorly aligned teeth in such a way that there is no visible alteration to the patient outward appearance or smile. This, coupled with the fact that, unlike most other conventional orthodontic treatments, the Invisalign retainer can be taken out easily at any time the patients wishes, has helped the Invisalign retainer system become one of the most popular forms of cosmetic orthodontic treatment across the world.

Platinum level of care

If you are interested in discretely realigning your smile through Invisalign, then you are more than in safe hands at our dentist in Glasgow here at Smile Dental Care. Each invisalign treatment case is an entirely unique process and our principal dentist Eva Constantie has achieved the position of being a platinum Invisalign provider which means that patients can trust that they are receiving the highest possible degree of care.

Dentist in Glasgow for all your dental needs

Visiting the dentist is a necessary part of life if someone wants to maintain a good balance with regards to their health. For this reason, it is our mission at Smile Dental Care Glasgow to ensure that patients have a positive experience when undergoing treatment. To do this, we have created a warm and relaxed atmosphere for patients to feel comfortable in. It is estimated that up to 36%  of the dental population have some sort of dental phobia, according to the journal Medical Principles and Practices. Consequently, this phobia can potentially stop patients from going to the dentist, therefore neglecting their overall health. It is for this reason that we offer a full range of dental services in an easygoing and non-intimidating style to ensure people can look after themselves with ease.


Services offered by your dentist in Glasgow

We offer a full range of services including, but not limited to, general dentistry, implants, cosmetic, and preventive dentistry. This way, we can address a diverse population of patients’ needs and give our expert advice on what suits each unique patient.

General dentistry includes root canal treatment, amalgam fillings, emergency dental care, extractions or oral surgeries, and crowns. In short, general dentistry treatments pertain to your overall oral health. These routine services can extend into more specialised services such as preventive, cosmetic, and implant dentistry.

Preventive dentistry is often overlooked, but is an essential, dental service. Routine dental checks can prevent a plethora of potential dental problems down the line, such as root canal infection, tooth decay, and even loss of teeth. The general advice for a routine check-up is to visit your dentist in Glasgow every six months. However, the oral health of each patient is unique, and they may need to see the dentist more or less frequently accordingly.

Cosmetic dentistry is an ever-growing popular field of dentistry, as it can improve the smile of any patient. Some preventive measures, such as a healthy lifestyle and maintaining good oral health, are sometimes just not enough. Misalignment of your teeth and your bite are inherited traits, which means no amount of healthy living will fix them. In addition to these kinds of problems, misalignments can cause low self-esteem and increase the likelihood of infection because crooked teeth can hinder adequate cleaning.

A remedy for this is orthodontics. Orthodontics is a Greek word that translates into ‘straighten teeth’. The tried and true method of straightening teeth is to use braces. Traditional metal braces have been proven to fix even severe misalignments. However, if you feel self-conscious about wearing metal braces for any reason, we also offer Invisalign or ‘invisible braces’. More accurately, they are removable clear aligners made from a thermoplastic that is custom fitted to the patient. They are considered a revolutionary treatment. Invisalign has grown to treat over 8 million users since its conception in the late 1990s.

At Smile Dental Care, patients can relax, knowing they are in the capable and experienced hands of our dentist in Glasgow. Rest assured we will give you the best advice on whatever your dental issue is, because we believe that every person should be happy with their teeth.

A dentist in Glasgow: not only for teeth

A good face starts with a brilliant smile, from there smooth contours come in at a strong second and in today’s image-obsessed world, it doesn’t hurt to get a little work done to enhance both these areas for a youthful and put-together look that leaves a lasting and good first impression both in real life and on social media. We at Smile Dental Care Glasgow your local dentist in Glasgow, know how important it is to you to look your best no matter what your age is and we want to help you achieve the confidence that comes with that.


What we offer

Cosmetic dentistry covers a range of treatments that improve the appearance of teeth and gums while not necessarily improving functionality; it is primarily about aesthetics and less about health. While taking care of your smile, you may also want to gently enhance your facial features, just to look that little bit younger, fresher or plumper in certain areas, different combinations of the following treatments can help create a personal image you feel confident about:

Orthodontics – while these various treatments can fix a host of serious dental problems like issues with the bite and teeth growing in the wrong place, they can also be used to adjust the position of mildly crooked or overcrowded teeth for a nicer looking smile. Modern orthodontics like Invisalign offer clear aligners for an invisible treatment.

White Fillings – while it is common practice today for dentists to use a tooth coloured filling in a cavity, it wasn’t always so in the past and today there is an option to replace old dark fillings with a white composite material to make the concealment more natural-looking at your dentist in Glasgow.

Porcelain Veneers – these can be used to make a crooked smile look straight in the case of those who do not want to wait for orthodontics to work, they can also conceal stained teeth as well as cover up a chipped or broken tooth.

Teeth whitening – the most straight forward and quick option for transforming your smile is to get your teeth professionally whitened and strengthened to resist stains.

Botox and Fillers – these are popular treatments in young and old alike, botox helps smooth wrinkles and fine lines by relaxing the small facial muscles that create them and dermal fillers plump up key areas to either fill deep-set wrinkles or enhance features like the cheeks, chin and lips.

The benefits

Beauty is obviously very subjective, but the effort you put into your appearance never goes unnoticed so if you are looking good according to your own standards of beauty, people around you will appreciate that fact no matter how it may appeal to them personally. Therefore, the personal benefit of looking your best to have a sense of pride in your appearance that gives you the confidence to seize every opportunity life throws at you is something that we at your local dentist in Glasgow understands. We want to work with what nature gave you in order to see the beauty that you have in the inside appear on the outside too.

Options for missing teeth treatment

Not only can missing teeth be an embarrassing situation for many people who suffer from a few gaps in their smile, but it also puts you at a higher risk of infection not to mention it makes life difficult when it comes to chewing food. This could lead to a lack of dietary nutrition due to the inability to consume whole foods which is why we at Smile Dental Care Glasgow, your local dentist in Glasgow, have several options regarding the issue of missing teeth.


Causes of Missing teeth

A good first step for oral hygiene is understanding why your teeth may be missing, this can be related to a number of causes:

Genetic condition – No one can run away from genetics, unfortunately, but disorders regarding missing teeth are quite rare and the solutions are fairly straightforward.

Injury – this is the most common and simple cause of missing one or a few teeth and could happen in many ways. Usually, a hard knock to the face could cause a few teeth falling out, but whatever the situation that may have occurred, there is a solution to your problem.

Tooth decay – The softening of your tooth enamel whether its due to acidic food or drink or compulsive teeth grinding can cause a cavity or hole in the tooth which, if ignored, will cause the tooth to rot and fall.

Gum disease – starting with gingivitis, which is a bacteria that forms in the plaque buildup of gums caused by poor oral hygiene, this can develop into a periodontal disease that affects the tissue supporting the teeth. As it worsens, the bone anchoring the teeth in the jaw begins to degrade which may result in teeth falling out.

Practising good oral hygiene, like brushing your teeth after meals and flossing regularly as well as regular check-ups and visits to your dentist in Glasgow, can help avoid things like tooth decay and gum disease.

The solution to missing teeth

At your dentist in Glasgow, we offer solutions to help you get your gorgeous smile back no matter your age or the condition of your teeth. After a consultation you may be presented with a number of solutions to choose from:

Dentures – This is a good solution if all of your natural teeth are missing and you want to avoid surgery. A mould is taken of your mouth after which a set of dentures will be designed and created for you in a laboratory to fit comfortably over your gums, these dentures are removable for cleaning and sleeping.

Dental implants – if the thought of a full set of dentures is not all too appealing but losing your natural teeth feels like a total disaster, there is a safe solution thanks to advancements in modern dentistry that will give you the confidence to go about your daily life as usual. During implant surgery, a small titanium screw is set in the jaw in the place of the missing tooth to permanently support crowns, bridges, or dentures creating a natural-looking and stable restoration of your teeth.