Understanding the role of Invisalign in Glasgow

It is a well-known fact that there are a large number of adults living with misaligned teeth in the UK, when there is absolutely no need for them to do so. We need to recognise that having misaligned or crooked teeth in adults has become one of the largest areas of concern for dentists in recent years, as having crooked teeth can lead to the heightened risk of other oral health issues that may require invasive dental treatment.


Once we understand the risks that are associated with misaligned teeth, we can start to realise that it is possible to change this situation with the use of realignment treatment. This can then lead to people enjoying a higher standard of oral health as they begin to be able to maintain a superior level of oral hygiene that comes with properly aligned teeth.

By offering Invisalign in Glasgow we can offer our patients a modern treatment solution that can be tailored to meet their individual needs.

A modern treatment for a modern era

Bringing Invisalign to Glasgow allows us to bring a treatment for aligning the teeth to the area that is both state of the art and highly effective, meaning our patients can benefit from receiving a treatment they can truly believe in, just like we do.

Developed in the 1990s and created from two layers of hard-wearing, durable clear plastic, this is realignment treatment technology at its very best. We are confident that any patient who undergoes this treatment will feel the benefits by the end of their treatment period.

Because these aligners are clear in nature they can be seen as a completely discreet form of treatment, as they cannot be observed by the eyes of others around the wearer. Meaning no one will know you are receiving tooth alignment treatment unless you choose to inform them of the fact, this is another way of putting patients in control of their treatment.

One last thing, these aligners are removable. If the wearer should feel any pain or discomfort at any point during treatment, they can simply take their aligner out of the mouth for a short period of time and put it back in place once they feel comfortable to do so.

Be prepared to receive your treatment

Before a patient begins any tooth alignment treatment it is very important that they prepare themselves properly by ensuring that they are in the habit of practising a high standard of regular oral hygiene routine. This can be achieved via brushing and flossing, twice daily as recommended by most dentists.

We will make all patients receiving treatment aware of the heightened risk of gum disease, plaque build-up, and tooth decay while receiving tooth alignment treatment. For this reason, we will stress the importance of maintaining their standards of dental hygiene, hopefully, this will become a good habit that patients will continue with after their alignment treatment has concluded.

You can make that change

Those who are living with misaligned teeth need to understand there is no need to, you can make the change and gain the benefits that come with perfectly aligned teeth. Call our dental practice to find out more details about Invisalign in Glasgow, a tooth alignment treatment for the twenty-first century.

The practice offers high-quality care and service within a calm and empathetic environment. We aim to offer you the best service and treatment possible.