Why should I go for Invisalign in Glasgow over other brace options?

Having super straight teeth is often what most of us would desire, but more often than not people can miss out on the teeth straightening window in their teens and miss the opportunity to get the smile they always dreamed of. But us at Smile Dental Care want to offer you an opportunity you can’t refuse – the ability to finally fix your teeth to a smile you can be proud of. What’s more is that it’s non-invasive and basically invisible. Invisalign in Glasgow is becoming more and more popular, and here’s the big four C’s on why.



When you think of braces, you might have some negative images in mind. But with Invisalign in Glasgow this isn’t an issue anymore. The nature of Invisalign is that there are two smooth trays that sit flush against your teeth, rids you of any harsh rubbing or sores. And as they are designed to move teeth slowly as you move through the different stages, you don’t need to worry about teeth being sore from pulling. There may of course be some discomfort, but it should be minimal.


You don’t want your teeth straightening process to greatly interfere with your lifestyle and that’s absolutely fair enough. We live in a fast world, full of camera phones and social media posts. We don’t want our patients feeling anxious or uncomfortable if we can possibly avoid it. With Invisalign in Glasgow you can put your worries to rest and carry on as normal. Invisalign are specially designed to be as subtle as possible – unless people are getting really up close and personal they won’t see you wearing them.  Plus they’re totally removable so in the event of your best friend’s wedding or a super important business meeting you can take them.


As your aligners will be totally removable you will still be able to keep up a super in depth oral health routine. Often we see when patients have fixed braces that don’t allow for cleaning between teeth, patients overall mouth health suffers as a result. Not with invisalign, you can still floss everyday, twice a day if you feel up for it. Keeping on top of this will make sure you aren’t left with gum inflammation or tooth decay. Both of which are leading causes of tooth loss and cost you extra pennies to get treated, which is never ideal.


Invisalign is a quick method, with some patients getting their desired results in as little as 20 weeks!! Every case is different and it will very much depend on how much time you wear your braces (they should be in 22 hours per day) and how complex a move we’re attempting through teeth straightening.

If this all sounds too good to be true and you want some more advice, please do get in contact with one of the team at the practice. We’re available through email and over the phone. We look forward to welcoming you back for your next check up and catch up.

Invisalign in Glasgow; Let’s talk about it

If your teeth are crooked, misaligned, you have an underbite or overbite, it is possible that you found this article because you’re looking for a treatment that will allow you to smile with confidence once again. That’s why we’d like to introduce Invisalign in Glasgow, a clear brace alternative with the power to give you a jump in your step every time you catch yourself smiling in the mirror.


Here at Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we care about you. As one of our patients, you always come first. Your treatment plan will always be unique and special to you, just as you are to us. It is important to us that you understand your treatment every step of the way, so we will always answer any of your questions and concerns to the best of our ability.

In this short article, we will introduce you to Invisalign in Glasgow and talk about the process, how it works and all the benefits.

Will this work for me?

If you’re an adult, you might be more inclined to favour Invisalign in Glasgow. This is due to the invisible trays used that allows you to go about your day to day life without those around you knowing that you’ve started your teeth straightening journey. No matter the problem with your teeth, whether it be crowded teeth, spaced teeth, a crossbite, deep bite, overbite or underbite, we believe that the clear aligners will work for you. If you’re still unsure, feel free to send us a selfie of your smile! Then we will send a proposed result to you before we go any further.

How does it work?

This treatment is a clear alternative to the standard braces you might be aware of. They work by using completely custom plastic trays that you should wear for the majority of the day, despite the fact that they are removable. After your initial consultation, we will take x-rays and images of your mouth, as well as moulds of your teeth to make sure that the treatment plan is completely unique to your needs. You will be provided with a series of aligners that you will wear at home for a period of 1-2 weeks at a time, before changing to your next tray. The teeth will subtly move into their desired position as a result of the pressure.

What are the benefits?

There are many benefits of this clear aligner option. To start, they are made with comfort in mind. Unlike the metal braces, the plastic used for our trays is smoothed down, meaning that you won’t have anything sticking into your gums or making them impossible to wear.

The trays are completely invisible unless those around you are looking for them. This means that you can straighten your teeth within the comfort of your own home or even out and about, without feeling self-conscious.

As the trays are completely removable, you will have an improved cleanliness of your teeth and gums. You can also thoroughly wash the trays after eating, so that no food or build up will be transferred to your teeth.

Choose Invisalign in Glasgow to comfortably correct misaligned teeth

The discreetly different option


At Smile Dental Care Glasgow all we want is to see happy and healthy smiles on the faces of all our patients. We understand that having slightly overlapping, crooked or gappy teeth can have a detrimental impact on your self-esteem and willingness to smile broadly. So for anyone who is dissatisfied with the alignment of their smiles, we strongly recommend that you speak with one of our professional practitioners about getting Invisalign in Glasgow.

Over our practice’s years of dental service to the Glasgow area and beyond, we’ve used the Invisalign aligner method to help countless patients of every age correct the evenness of their teeth, and maximise the aesthetics and visual impact of their smiles. We can help anyone who needs it if they simply book an initial Invisalign consultation at our practice.

What does getting Invisalign in Glasgow involve?

If you’ve decided to do something proactive about any crooked or overlapping teeth you may have by getting Invisalign in Glasgow from us here at our practice, the first thing which we will do is carry out an initial dental examination to determine your eligibility.

Despite Invisalign’s universally praised success, not all types of orthodontic misalignments can be treated through Invisalign, which is why we must first assess the type of orthodontic problems you have before treatment can begin. Additionally, certain underlying dental problems such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, decay or abscesses can stand in the way of Invisalign’s success and therefore must be identified and rectified before we can begin treatment.

If no dental obstacles are evident and you are deemed eligible for Invisalign after this dental examination, we can then take the impressions we’ll need to construct your unique set of Invisalign trays using our cutting-edge Trios Scanner, which digitally scans your tooth shape without the need for any gooey or uncomfortable physical moulds to be taken.

Once you’ve discussed the Invisalign process extensively with one of our experts and made a decision about which package you would like, we can then use our ClinCheck technology to create a highly detailed and accurate digital impression of how your teeth will shift throughout your Invisalign treatment and show you what the end results will be.

After you have seen the results of the scan we will then create your customised aligners and give them to you to take home and begin your treatment over the next 6-12 months.

How does Invisalign straighten crooked teeth?

One of the main reasons that so many people of all ages are increasingly choosing Invisalign treatment for minor visible orthodontic problems is due to the treatment’s discreet and cosmetic nature. Every custom-made retainer is built to fit perfectly over its owner’s teeth and makes use of carefully positioned structural grooves, pressure points and ridges within its interior to push certain teeth into shape.

Because these Invisalign trays are wafer-thin and built purely from transparent plastic, they are almost totally undetectable when worn. Additionally, because the treatment is not attached to your mouth anywhere, patients who choose Invisalign can remove their aligners at their own discretion – which is something that very few other orthodontic treatments can offer.

Orthodontic tools: braces and Invisalign in Glasgow

Orthodontics is an old and technically non-invasive part of dentistry, though not many people would think so based on their reaction to standard metal braces! But it doesn’t have to be like this. Let’s look at some modern orthodontic tools like Invisalign in Glasgow.


Teeth are in a constant state of motion; their rate of movement is fairly low, but they constantly shift backwards and forwards, responding to the forces put on them. At the base of every tooth is a set of tendons, as well as around the sides of the root to the jawbone with the top of the root fused into the jawbone itself. The teeth sway under forces put on them before returning to their positions; this is part of what gives teeth their strength by permitting a degree of flexibility.

If a force is consistently applied in one direction to a tooth, it will adopt a new position, almost like training the branch of a tree into a new direction with a coil of wire. The coil of wire in our analogy represents orthodontic tools, and although based on the same principle, how they affect the patient’s everyday life can be quite different.

Invisible aligners

Invisalign in Glasgow is a type of clear aligner; these plastic gum shield-like forms must be worn over your teeth. They are relatively thin and completely translucent to make them as subtle as possible.

Each clear aligner comes in sets and should be worn for two weeks before moving on to the next in the sequence, which must be completed in order. Their order is very important; within each aligner is the force and shape to push your teeth a little further towards their final position before handing off to the next one. When you first put on the aligner in the sequence, it will feel tight and consistent pressure will be applied to your teeth over the two weeks. Eventually, they will become looser, which is a sign that it is time to move on to the next aligner.

Traditional metal braces

Traditional metal braces store energy in an archwire that is transmitted via the brackets into the teeth. By tightening the archwire and altering the positions of the brackets, the brace will push or pull the teeth, changing their positions promptly with more force.


Retainers are not really orthodontic tools in the sense of moving teeth, but they do preserve the progress made by other tools. The tendons that are attached to each root inside the gum are placed under tension by orthodontic treatment and can pull teeth back to their original positions in a process called reversion.

Holding your teeth in their new locations for long enough reduces the tension in those tendons, and the chances of reversion fade over time, thanks to retainers. So, be sure to keep your retainers in!

What’s right for you

Exactly which tools are most suited to a particular misalignment is very individual and requires careful examination of patients by our team. If you have a preference, you should mention this to our dentist. Invisalign in Glasgow is very popular but not universally helpful, especially if molars need to be repositioned.

Everything you need to know about getting Invisalign in Glasgow

Getting Invisalign in Glasgow will transform your smile. That is the first thing you need to know. Here at Smile Dental Care Glasgow we understand what it’s like to feel self-conscious every time you smile. We also know that having to wear a metal appliance for years to straighten your teeth can sound unappealing, which is why we provide an alternative, more discreet straightening treatment for you to benefit from. This treatment is not only more discreet than others, but it has a shorter treatment time as well. You can also forget the trauma of having a messy bite impression taken as this treatment uses 3D computer technology instead. When you have your first appointment you will have a 3D scan taken of your mouth. This scan will show the current positions of your teeth and then produce several more images to show how your teeth need to move to become even and straight. These images are the beginning of your treatment, as you will have a set of clear aligners made for each image. The aligners that you wear are not only clear but removable as well, making this the most convenient straightening appliance yet.


Have your front teeth been holding you back?

Unlike other treatments, when you get Invisalign in Glasgow it usually focuses on straightening out your front eight teeth. This is why it is unsuitable for people with severe misalignment issues, but the ideal treatment for someone who has crooked front teeth and just wants to even them out. Having uneven front teeth might not seem like a big deal, but it impacts peoples’ lives more than you think. Smiling for photographs, laughing out loud and even just speaking to someone you haven’t met before can end up making someone feel extremely uncomfortable and insecure, all because of their uneven front teeth. Having your teeth straightened can eradicate all of these issues from your life and improve the way you feel about your smile drastically, so if you feel unsatisfied when you see your smile in the mirror it might be time for you to book a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners to find out if this treatment is suitable for you.

Results in as little as six months

A lot of people make the choice to get Invisalign in Glasgow so that they have a straight smile for an upcoming event later in the year, such as a wedding or another important event. Unlike other treatments which can take up to twenty-four months to complete, your aligners are capable of straightening your teeth in as little as six months. Whilst results will vary depending on the individual, you can expect your treatment to take around twelve months at the most. Your aligners are removable, but for your treatment to work effectively you should be making sure that you are wearing your aligners for a minimum of twenty-two hours of the day. They can be taken out for eating and brushing your teeth, but that’s about it. After you have worn your last set of aligners you will be given a retainer to wear which will ensure that your new smile stays exactly where it is and your teeth do not return to their former positions.

Understanding the role of Invisalign in Glasgow

It is a well-known fact that there are a large number of adults living with misaligned teeth in the UK, when there is absolutely no need for them to do so. We need to recognise that having misaligned or crooked teeth in adults has become one of the largest areas of concern for dentists in recent years, as having crooked teeth can lead to the heightened risk of other oral health issues that may require invasive dental treatment.


Once we understand the risks that are associated with misaligned teeth, we can start to realise that it is possible to change this situation with the use of realignment treatment. This can then lead to people enjoying a higher standard of oral health as they begin to be able to maintain a superior level of oral hygiene that comes with properly aligned teeth.

By offering Invisalign in Glasgow we can offer our patients a modern treatment solution that can be tailored to meet their individual needs.

A modern treatment for a modern era

Bringing Invisalign to Glasgow allows us to bring a treatment for aligning the teeth to the area that is both state of the art and highly effective, meaning our patients can benefit from receiving a treatment they can truly believe in, just like we do.

Developed in the 1990s and created from two layers of hard-wearing, durable clear plastic, this is realignment treatment technology at its very best. We are confident that any patient who undergoes this treatment will feel the benefits by the end of their treatment period.

Because these aligners are clear in nature they can be seen as a completely discreet form of treatment, as they cannot be observed by the eyes of others around the wearer. Meaning no one will know you are receiving tooth alignment treatment unless you choose to inform them of the fact, this is another way of putting patients in control of their treatment.

One last thing, these aligners are removable. If the wearer should feel any pain or discomfort at any point during treatment, they can simply take their aligner out of the mouth for a short period of time and put it back in place once they feel comfortable to do so.

Be prepared to receive your treatment

Before a patient begins any tooth alignment treatment it is very important that they prepare themselves properly by ensuring that they are in the habit of practising a high standard of regular oral hygiene routine. This can be achieved via brushing and flossing, twice daily as recommended by most dentists.

We will make all patients receiving treatment aware of the heightened risk of gum disease, plaque build-up, and tooth decay while receiving tooth alignment treatment. For this reason, we will stress the importance of maintaining their standards of dental hygiene, hopefully, this will become a good habit that patients will continue with after their alignment treatment has concluded.

You can make that change

Those who are living with misaligned teeth need to understand there is no need to, you can make the change and gain the benefits that come with perfectly aligned teeth. Call our dental practice to find out more details about Invisalign in Glasgow, a tooth alignment treatment for the twenty-first century.

The practice offers high-quality care and service within a calm and empathetic environment. We aim to offer you the best service and treatment possible.

Invisalign in Glasgow for an aligned smile

A beautiful smile is a priority for most people, but we all have certain issues that affect the way we feel about our teeth. The last two decades have seen a significant increase in the demand for cosmetic dentistry and, thanks to advances in dental technology, addressing the aesthetic appearance of your teeth has become easy, convenient and accessible for all. Cosmetic dentistry allows you to address the appearance of your teeth discreetly and much more quickly than ever before, but this does depend on the extent of treatment necessary to straighten your teeth.

If you are looking for a convenient but subtle solution to correcting the misalignment of your teeth, then speak with us at Smile Dental Care Glasgow and find out about the different treatment options that may be available for you.

You must have good oral health to be eligible for cosmetic dentistry. We will conduct a full examination to make sure that your teeth are clean and your gums are strong and healthy. Through this, we can ensure that the treatment will not be detrimental in any way but rather improve the appearance of your teeth and promote better oral health at the same time.

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

At Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we are proud to present Invisalign.

Invisalign in Glasgow is a highly popular method of correcting the misalignment of teeth mainly due to the convenience and subtlety of the treatment. As the name suggests, it is almost invisible and an excellent alternative to fixed metal dental braces.

Previously, the visibility of conventional braces was responsible for the reluctance amongst adults to undergo orthodontic treatment to address the aesthetics of their teeth. However now, thanks to Invisalign in Glasgow, you no longer have to worry about what others may think or how your mouth will look whilst undergoing treatment.

Invisalign in Glasgow uses clear plastic aligners that can be individually tailored to your teeth, using three-dimensional scans of your mouth rather than impressions of your teeth. The scanning process is highly accurate, meaning that the aligners can be worn comfortably, as they will fit over the teeth well. They can be removed and put back in your mouth when necessary, so they do not affect any aspect of your lifestyle, such as your eating habits. They are also very easy to clean, which adds to the convenience. All they require is brushing with an ordinary toothbrush and a rinse in warm water and then they can be put back in your mouth.

The process involves working your way through a series of aligners, each of which you must wear for approximately 22 hours a day for two weeks at a time; you have to continue this until you reach the desired results. During the treatment, you will need to visit our dentist to ensure that it is coming along successfully and that there are no other issues with your teeth. Speak to us at Smile Dental Care Glasgow to find out more about Invisalign and let us help you achieve a beautiful smile that you can be proud about.

Invisalign vs braces; which is better for you?

When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, you will probably want a brace or aligner that is discrete, painless and offers accelerated results. But is such a brace or aligner the most suitable tool for you?


At Smile Dental Care, we know a great deal about braces and aligners, and can even offer our suitable patients Invisalign in Glasgow. After an assessment, we will choose the brace or aligner that is the most likely to be successful to straighten your teeth, helping you get the smile you deserve.

Here, our team compares 5 key areas of orthodontics concerning standard braces and Invisalign in Glasgow to help you get a better idea of what each orthodontic tool involves. Enjoy!


OK, while our team at Smile Dental Care can agree that orthodontic treatments have become more comfortable over the last few years, there is still no such thing as completely comfortable braces or aligners. And when you wear Invisalign in Glasgow, when you change between the aligners, there is likely to be some discomfort for the first few days at least. However, if you need to wear a metal brace, you are more likely to experience a feeling of pressure after the brace has been tightened or altered.

Treatment time

It can be hard to estimate how long orthodontic treatment will take without consulting with our team. However, when you are given an invisible aligner to straighten your teeth, it takes on average between 3-6 months to work. With a standard brace, however, you may need to wear them for as long as 36 months as an adult. But with a fitted brace, our team will be better equipped to offer you a more accurate time frame as they cannot be removed and the treatment does not rely on you wearing them for 22 hours a day.


Of the 2 options, an invisible aligner is, well, not invisible but certainly less noticeable!

It is made from clear plastic and is designed to slot over your teeth like a standard sports guard, allowing you to go about your day without even your colleagues noticing it unless you point it out to them. To keep your aligners clear, simply rinse them under a cold tap and brush away any debris with a toothbrush. Simple!


While they are great for correcting misalignments with the front teeth and helping with teeth that are spaced or crowded, invisible aligners can be somewhat restrictive. And so, if our team decides that you need an orthodontic treatment that can handle more complex cases, we will offer you a fitted brace. This allows us to offer a more personalised treatment, which can rotate teeth and even straighten molars.


Many patients are surprised to learn that when they undertake treatment with invisible aligners, that it may not be more expensive than regular braces. This is because the cost of orthodontics revolves around the fitting, adjustments, dental visits and how long the treatment is required. And as invisible aligners do not need fitting, adjusting, require minimal trips to our dentist and can be significantly quicker than regular braces, the costs can be much lower.

For more information on how much an invisible aligner may cost you, contact our team at Smile Dental Care.