Everything you need to know about getting Invisalign in Glasgow

Getting Invisalign in Glasgow will transform your smile. That is the first thing you need to know. Here at Smile Dental Care Glasgow we understand what it’s like to feel self-conscious every time you smile. We also know that having to wear a metal appliance for years to straighten your teeth can sound unappealing, which is why we provide an alternative, more discreet straightening treatment for you to benefit from. This treatment is not only more discreet than others, but it has a shorter treatment time as well. You can also forget the trauma of having a messy bite impression taken as this treatment uses 3D computer technology instead. When you have your first appointment you will have a 3D scan taken of your mouth. This scan will show the current positions of your teeth and then produce several more images to show how your teeth need to move to become even and straight. These images are the beginning of your treatment, as you will have a set of clear aligners made for each image. The aligners that you wear are not only clear but removable as well, making this the most convenient straightening appliance yet.


Have your front teeth been holding you back?

Unlike other treatments, when you get Invisalign in Glasgow it usually focuses on straightening out your front eight teeth. This is why it is unsuitable for people with severe misalignment issues, but the ideal treatment for someone who has crooked front teeth and just wants to even them out. Having uneven front teeth might not seem like a big deal, but it impacts peoples’ lives more than you think. Smiling for photographs, laughing out loud and even just speaking to someone you haven’t met before can end up making someone feel extremely uncomfortable and insecure, all because of their uneven front teeth. Having your teeth straightened can eradicate all of these issues from your life and improve the way you feel about your smile drastically, so if you feel unsatisfied when you see your smile in the mirror it might be time for you to book a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners to find out if this treatment is suitable for you.

Results in as little as six months

A lot of people make the choice to get Invisalign in Glasgow so that they have a straight smile for an upcoming event later in the year, such as a wedding or another important event. Unlike other treatments which can take up to twenty-four months to complete, your aligners are capable of straightening your teeth in as little as six months. Whilst results will vary depending on the individual, you can expect your treatment to take around twelve months at the most. Your aligners are removable, but for your treatment to work effectively you should be making sure that you are wearing your aligners for a minimum of twenty-two hours of the day. They can be taken out for eating and brushing your teeth, but that’s about it. After you have worn your last set of aligners you will be given a retainer to wear which will ensure that your new smile stays exactly where it is and your teeth do not return to their former positions.