Looking for a cosmetic dentist in Glasgow?

Look no further, we at Smile Dental Care Glasgow are here for you. We’re a ‘patient first’ practice ready to open our doors to you and get you started out on your cosmetic dentist in Glasgow journey. We are proud to offer heaps of options when it comes to cosmetic dentistry and for this reason we’ve popped together a little list on some of our favourite and most popular treatments. Keep reading for all the best advice from your cosmetic dentist in Glasgow.


What is cosmetic dentistry?

To start things off we thought we’d just explain exactly what cosmetic dentistry actually means. Cosmetic dentistry is what we call anything that we do to your teeth that’s purely in aid of changing their appearance, as opposed to changing for functional or medical reasons.

Why might someone opt for cosmetic dentistry?

We’re all aware of how much smiles can impact others and having a set of teeth you’re proud to show off really does make a massive difference to your confidence. People change small and big things about their smile, often in the hope of giving themselves a little confidence boost.

Teeth whitening

The most common and easily accessible cosmetic dentistry treatment is teeth whitening. It’s a procedure that’s very common, super quick and extremely noticeable, which is why we are now treating more patients than ever for teeth whitening. The treatment itself can be done at home with whitening trays and takes as little as two weeks. It’s simple, very convenient and gets a gold star in smile makeover marks from our cosmetic dentist in Glasgow.

Gum reshaping

A procedure you may well have heard a little less about is gum reshaping, but here at Smile Dental it’s one of our favourites. The treatment is very much what it says on the tin in that it’s a treatment that’s used to reshape your gums. We are able to cut away excess gum tissue to leave patients with a look they prefer. It’s a sensitive procedure both physically and mentally, but one that we truly think is worth going for.


We’re really proud to be able to offer patients a multitude of different options if they’re considering orthodontics to boost their smile. We offer Invisalign among other options. Although orthodontics can feel like a cost to begin with, the results are priceless, with patients feeling they’ve finally achieved the smile of their dreams.


For those wanting to change lots of areas of their smile, veneers can be a fantastic solution. These days they come in many different styles. There’s bound to be something for you. We can design and fit them customised to you and your smile, helping you achieve the exact look you want.

White fillings

Fillings are just a fact of life, most people will have one at some point during their lifetime and it is for this reason that many of our patients are now opting to pay a little bit more in order to have a filling that sits more subtly in the mouth.