Is Invisalign in Glasgow actually worth it?

If you’ve been thinking about investing in Invisalign then it’s highly likely that this question has crossed your mind. Is Invisalign in Glasgow actually worth it? The team at Smile Dental Care Glasgow definitely think so but to pull you guys up and over the fence with us, we’ve put together a list of our favourite Invisalign in Glasgow benefits.


A Patient Friendly Solution

One of the major benefits of Invisalign in Glasgow is that it’s by far the superior straightening system for ease and comfort and there isn’t just one reason why.

Firstly: For us comfort is everything and the amazing thing about Invisalign is that it’s one of the most painless ways to straighten your teeth. There are no metal plates and wires scratching your teeth and gums and there’s no major pulling on teeth. Of course, there will be days of discomfort when teeth are being pushed into place but it’s really very minimal comparatively.

Secondly: They’re completely removable – now this is a benefit for a couple of reasons: A) it makes your teeth and gums super easy and accessible to clean. Having fixed braces can be an excellent fix and we would never want to stop patients from opting for them, but getting between the plates to clean can be difficult – this doesn’t happen with Invisalign. B) On those extra, extra special days you can take them out! Now, this isn’t an excuse to pop your aligners in and out as you please but having your school photo taken or attending your best pals wedding definitely means you can have a day off!


With Invisalign it’s kinda what it says on the tin – basically, they’re designed to be as subtle as possible. There’s no need to worry if people are staring at the next board meeting, or Claire is making a comment at the school gate. Other people would have to be seriously looking hard to notice if you’re wearing your aligners or not so you can rest easy knowing your secrets are safe. And equally, if you don’t care which we think is the attitude to have then yippie – it doesn’t matter either way.


Invisalign can work for some cases really quickly – if it’s a case of simply straightening a tooth or two it could be that you’re done and dusted in as little as six months. More complex cases will vary but now Invisalign has developed its attachment system the process can work for a wider variety of cases too. Invisalign attachments work by adding little grip spots to the teeth to activate the push/pull system even more and in some cases, we can even attach rubber bands with wire braces to pull the teeth into place.

If you or a family member are thinking of opting for a teeth-straightening system then Invisalign is definitely worth discussing with the team here at Smile Care Dental Glasgow – get in contact via the website or telephone to get booked in for your first consultation.