In need of a dental makeover? Our cosmetic dentist has the experience to help!

Our friendly skilled team are experienced at restoring teeth to perform their proper functions and also to make them look good. You may suffer from a malocclusion, dental misalignment, chips, discolouration or any number of other dental problems that may be affecting your teeth. Crooked or misshapen teeth are common dental problems and at Smile Dental Care Glasgow we are fortunate to have a team that are qualified and experienced to correct your oral problems. As a modern restorative and cosmetic dentist in Glasgow we always aim to improve the dental aesthetics of our patients. Your teeth are not only a way of chewing your food, but a way of expressing your emotions.


Careful assessment

To be able to correctly diagnose your condition you will always start your journey with us by having a thorough oral examination as well as a head and neck assessment. We will  conduct a rigorous examination of your teeth, bite and gums and do a screening for cancer which will include assessing your head and neck. The head and neck areas provide us with signs of possible cancer. Checking for any abnormal changes of skin colour, lumps or swelling does not take long but can save your life. If you are over forty five, it’s imperative that this examination is carried out every six months. The earlier a diagnosis is made the sooner treatment can begin and the better your chances of survival. Once we have completed our examination, diagnosis and assessment we will advise you of our findings. For your own benefit, please ask us as many questions as you feel necessary to be able to understand your condition and the recommended treatment. If treatment is required to correct a condition, we don’t expect you to make an immediate decision, we advise you to take your time.

Treatment plan

Every patient is different, so once you have decided to proceed with a treatment we will design a bespoke treatment plan specifically for you. The individual experiences as a restorative and cosmetic dentist in Glasgow of the different team members allows them to collaborate and deliver the best dental service available to you. The complexity of your treatment is dependent on the condition being treated. To correct a malocclusion, for example, using the latest dental scanners, software and hardware, we are able to produce a virtual image of what you can expect after treatment. Seeing what your smile will look like after treatment helps you to see an actual construction which will help you to make your decision.

Your teeth are a valuable asset

As dentists we regard your teeth as extremely valuable assets that must be cared for and displayed with confidence, when you smile. We take great pride in our achievements for our patients. It does not matter if it is a simple teeth whitening procedure or a dental implant, we apply the same care and attention. Our orthodontics expertise has helped many patients who had been suffering from dental misalignment. Many thought that there was no hope of achieving a decent grin only to leave our dental surgery with a broad, confident smile. At Smile Dental Care Glasgow our cosmetic dentist in Glasgow is waiting to give you the smile you have been dreaming of!