Crooked teeth bothering you? Invisalign in Glasgow can bring relief!

If you have misaligned teeth, don’t feel alone because it is estimated that somewhere in the region of, nine out of ten of the population have misaligned teeth in some shape or form. Malocclusion, as it is referred to in dentistry, is the way that your upper and lower teeth fit to create your bite. Some of the conditions that prevent your teeth from meeting correctly are a cross, open, over or underbite. At Smile Dental Care Glasgow our skilled and experienced team can help align your teeth by using Invisalign in Glasgow.


Invisible treatment

For decades, to have your teeth straightened required the use of a metal dental brace. The result of this was that unless a patient received orthodontic treatment as a child, they would rather live with it than wear the dental appliance as an adult. Fortunately over the past decades research and technology have produced numerous new dental straightening appliances. Even the original metal brace has been redesigned and configured. Among these new appliances is Invisalign in Glasgow which offers a distinctly different and virtually invisible approach to dental misalignment treatment.

Skill supported by technology

The technology that has been created around the Invisalign in Glasgow concept allows our team to use their skill and imagination to help you fulfil your dental ambitions. Using a 3D scanner and special software we are able to create a complete 3D image of the interior of your mouth. This allows us to identify, in detail, the nature of your condition and how best to apply the correct treatment. From the images taken we are able to produce a 3D image of how your teeth can look if you decide to have the treatment. Everything is digitised which, therefore, eliminates the need to use gloopy dentist putty and making the necessary adjustments, digitally, allows us to send accurate and detailed data to the laboratory.

Quick and efficient

Invisalign uses aligners which they refer to as trays to correct dental misalignment. The trays resemble a narrow gum shield which fits over your teeth. These trays are made from a clear thermoplastic which makes them difficult to detect. Using the data which we have sent to them, the laboratory will produce a series of trays each with its own specific shape. This is done quickly and any adjustments which we deem fit can be made because everything is done digitally until production of the trays.The number of trays produced depends on the condition being treated. Once we are happy that the trays produced will produce the results that you want, we will fit the first tray for you.

Snug and convenient

The first tray may feel a little snug but as the treatment progresses they will feel more comfortable. To achieve the results that you want, you will need to wear each tray for a minimum of twenty-two hours each day. You may however remove them to have your meals and to brush your teeth and wash the tray. Each tray will need two to three weeks to complete its task. The trays must be used in the correct sequence because they are designed to move your teeth gradually and in a specific way.

A proud moment

At the end of your treatment you will need to wear a final aligner to hold your teeth in place but you will have the smile that you wanted. You can remove the aligner and confidently display your warm, radiant and confident smile without embarrassment.