At look at the use of Invisalign in Glasgow

If you are someone who is living with misaligned or crooked teeth then you will be very aware of the discomfort or difficulties that they can cause, this can have a detrimental effect on the way you use your mouth on a daily basis and may lead to you having to live with poor standards in your oral health and hygiene. What many people may not realise is this is one of the most common dental issues amongst adults living in the United Kingdom that can be easily treated with the use of tooth alignment treatment.


Your misaligned teeth may be the cause of many of the common dental issues you may be experiencing, this could include tooth decay, plaque buildup, and gum disease, this is due to the fact you may not be able to navigate the teeth fully with a toothbrush making keeping your teeth and gums fully clean an uphill struggle. If you choose to have your teeth aligned correctly you may find that cleaning them becomes much easier and you should start to enjoy a high standard in your oral hygiene.

At Smile Dental Care, we want all our patients to enjoy the best quality oral health and hygiene they possibly can, for those with misaligned teeth we can help them achieve this by straightening their teeth with Invisalign in Glasgow, a tooth alignment treatment that promises the patient a discrete treatment with great results.

A modern alignment treatment

When you think of tooth alignment treatment from your childhood you will probably think of the widely known metal and wire braces that are usually offered to children in their early teens who are in need of tooth alignment treatment, this may have been offered to you but you decided that this was not the right treatment for you at a stage of your life when you may have been feeling vulnerable and sensitive.

However, Invisalign in Glasgow is a very different treatment device, that has been created for adults living in the modern world, that can still give our patients the great results they desire for their teeth.

Created using two pieces of clear plastic to build an aligner that will sit over your teeth, this is an alignment treatment that has been designed to hide in plain sight when worn in place within your mouth. This means you can now receive the tooth alignment treatment you feel you need without others around being able to see the alignment device you are wearing.

Making a change

If you wish to make a positive change that will help you to improve your oral health and hygiene standard via tooth alignment treatment then you will first have to attend a consultation with your dentist or orthodontist. At this appointment, your teeth and gums can be fully examined and your needs can be assessed.

If the decision is made for you to go ahead with tooth alignment treatment using Invisalign in Glasgow then a series of aligners will be created for you, each will be worn in the mouth for two weeks and then replaced with the next device in the series. Patients will need to be aware that receiving a treatment of this nature may be a big commitment, as it could last between twelve and eighteen months, but in the end, they will have the teeth and improved oral hygiene they desire.

We aim to offer the best service and treatment possible within a calm and elegant environment.