Smile makeovers in Glasgow for a smile you can be proud of

There are many factors that may affect the way you feel about your smile. If your teeth are discoloured, misaligned, overcrowded, cracked or have gaps in between them, then come speak to our dentist today. Here, at Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we want to give you a smile that you can feel confident about.


Book an appointment to visit us in person to discuss smile makeovers in Glasgow with one of our friendly and experienced dentists today. Firstly, we will put you through a thorough examination to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and that there are no underlying dental issues that may affect your treatment plan. If you do have some underlying problems with your teeth, then we will need to address them before your makeover so that you get the most out of the treatment.

Once our dentist is happy with the condition of your oral health, you will undergo a three-dimensional scan and x-rays. The results of the scans will be uploaded to software that can use your dentition to create a treatment plan that addresses and corrects any issues with your teeth. The software will also show you an accurate visual representation of how your smile will look following successful smile makeovers in Glasgow.

Teeth straightening

Smile makeovers in Glasgow involve a number of different and individually chosen procedures that will help create a beautiful smile for you. You may need to undergo orthodontic treatment to help correct the positioning of your teeth. Although this may be a lengthy part of the procedure, it will help produce fantastic results and can be carried out using traditional metal braces. If you are reluctant to wear metal braces, we can offer you some discrete methods of straightening your teeth, such as invisible braces, which work in a similar way to traditional metal braces but are significantly less visible in the mouth. You may also like to consider the use of clear aligners, like Invisalign, as another alternative to metal braces. This will help create an aligned and symmetrical smile for you and also help improve your oral health at the same time.

Teeth whitening

Once your teeth are properly aligned, you may want to consider teeth whitening procedures to help further enhance your smile. There are different types of whitening procedures available, and a suitable procedure for you will depend on the severity of staining and whether you prefer to whiten your teeth in your own time or require instant whitening at the clinic. At Smile Dental Care Glasgow, we use Zoom whitening at the surgery and, if you request, we can prescribe Enlighten as a home treatment kit.

There are many other features that we can include as part of your treatment plan, taking into account your requirements and what results you are hoping for. So, speak to our friendly and experienced dental team today to take the first step in creating a stunning smile that you can show off proudly to the world.

What are smile makeovers?

Full smile makeovers Glasgow are becoming ever more common nowadays. They allow you to rapidly change your look starting with your teeth out. It is surprising how much our mouths affect the overall appearance of our face shape. They are often the first thing noticed when meeting a new person and as any person wearing lipstick can tell you how their mouth can become stared at through the entire length of a conversation, their appearance can make a big difference.


Smile makeovers Glasgow involve using a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments; which ones get used and to what degree depends on your eventual goals and your starting state. So smile makeovers Glasgow can be very accessible and made to meet anybody’s financial means.

When looking at your dental makeover options, you should find a clinic which is well equipped and a team who is well versed in the widest range of cosmetic options. This starts with a conversation, where you get to tell the dentist all about what your aesthetic goals are and they can implement a treatment regime to bring them to fruition, and preferably, one that offers a financing package that allows you to spread the cost of treatment over many months.

What treatments are part of a dental makeover?

If your teeth are healthy and in good condition, dental makeovers only contain cosmetic procedures. You could involve orthodontics, like an aligner or the use of a brace to straighten up the most visually obvious teeth. Then, after some waiting and treatments either using abrasion and polishing techniques or bleaching techniques can be used to achieve the end result you wish to have. If your teeth are healthy, this would probably involve white fillings or maybe even replacing older amalgam fillings with new white fillings. On the other end of the scale, it could consist of little more than a scale and polish!

What makes a dental makeover different to a normal dental check up is the use of lots of different treatments in combination towards a single aesthetic goal.

Either way, you should always ask for a portfolio of work from our professional team; we are always happy to show off our competency. Remember, you will be leading us in what you wish to achieve, and if we seem to be focusing too much on an area that you aren’t happy with, just tell us.

Shopping around

There’s no harm in shopping around and unlike a quick trip to the opticians, this process can take quite a while. For instance teeth realignment can range between 6 to 12-months! So it’s important to make sure you have a practitioner that you enjoy being with and that you will be able to get along with. Our team will always aim to have a happy and welcoming demeanour, while also offering you any advice you require or answering queries. Should you wish to go elsewhere, that is fine but our team is trained and qualified to handle all manner of cosmetic dental care and can provide you with a finished smile that you will be proud of.